Project #7: Taunt

"I fart in your general direction.  Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberry."  
 - French Taunter from Monty Python and the Quest For The Holy Grail
Script: 8

Create a program that outputs three taunts from a list at random, followed by Arthur shouting "Run Away"


Create a list which stores at least seven taunts.  You may use ones from the scene above or create your own, but keep it school appropriate.

Output three random taunts to the console, and label them as they're being said by the Taunter.
  *** You may not repeat the same taunt ***

How To Use Random Numbers In Python

At the end of the program have Arthur shout, "Run Away"

Example Program 

Taunter: "I fart in your general direction"
Taunter: "I blow my nose at you."
Taunter: "Go away or I shall taunt you a second time."
Arthur: "RUN AWAY"

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