Unit One - Basic Python

This unit will provide an introduction to programming using the Python programming language.  This page contains a list of major topics and vocabulary terms.

Part One - Python Syntax
  • The difference between high level languages and low level languages
  • The python interpreter translates your code into instructions for the computer.
  • Variables are used to store values
  • Three basic data types are:
    • Integers store non-decimal values.  Ex:   -5, 10, 82
    • Floats store decimal values.  Ex:  -7.8, 10.0, 34.9876
    • Booleans store two values: True or False
  • Statements are commands that you issue to the interpreter. 
  • They need to be separated with whitespace
  • Comments are lines of code that don't do anything.  They come in two types.
    • Single line comments are written using the # symbol, called pound or hash
    • Multi line comments are written using """, or triple quotes.
  • Arithmetic operators are used to do math.  They come in six basic types
    • Addition uses the + symbol.                 Ex:  a = 5 + 2       (a = 7)
    • Subtraction uses the - symbol.             Ex:  a = 5 - 2       (a = 3)
    • Multiplication uses the * symbol.        Ex:  a = 5 * 2       (a = 10)
    • Division uses the / symbol                   Ex:  a = 5 / 2         (a = 2)
    • Exponentiation uses the ** symbol.    Ex:  a = 5 ** 2      (a = 25)
    • Modulus uses the % symbol               Ex:  a = 5 % 2       (a = 1)

Part Two - Strings & Console Output
  • The data type String is used to define a series of characters
  • A String Literal is a string value.  It is contained within a pair of quotes.
  • Sometimes you will want to use a special character inside a string, such as the quote symbol.  Use the / symbol in front of this symbol.  This is called an escape character.
  • You can access a specific character in a string by its index position.  This is also called its subset or offset.   Remember that you start count at zero.
  • Strings have a few special methods that you can use.  A method is a collection of code that performs a specific task.   These methods are already written and ready for use.
    • len() allows you to get the length of a string.  Ex:   print len() myString
    • str() allows you to convert something to a string.  Ex:   print str() myInt
    • lower() and upper() allow you to change the case of a string.   Ex:  print myString.upper()
  • Two of the above methods use dot notation.  This is because they are methods that are specific to Strings;  they only work on a string.  Len and Str work on multiple types.
  • The editor is the window in which we write code
  • The console is where your program outputs its results
  • You can merge two strings using concatenation (the plus operator)
  • Using str() to change an object to a string is called explicit string conversion.  Later on in the course, when we study Java, we will call this idea "casting."
  • String are immutable, meaning that methods like upper and lower won't actually change the original string. Instead, it returns a modified copy of the string that you can assign or print out.
  • You can use %s to do some advanced string formatting methods.  You may be asked to do this in a programming assignment, but will not be asked to do so without notes.

Part Three - Conditionals & Control Flow
  • Control flow allows us to write programs with multiple outcomes.
  • Comparison operators (also called compatators) let us compare numerical values
    • Equal to (==)
    • Not equal to (!=)
    • Less than (<)
    • Less than or equal to (<=)
    • Greater than (>)
    • Greater than or equal to (>=)
  • Logical operators (also called boolean operators) let us make complex expressions.
    • and means the same as it does in English.  It evaluates to true when both sides of the and are true.
    • or means and/or.  It evaluates to true when one side or both sides of the or are true.
    • not means the same as it does in English.  It makes true become false, and false become true.
  • Logical operators follow an order of operations
    • not --> and --> or
    • You can use parentheses to change the order of resolution
  • Conditional statements alter the flow of a value base on user input or the environment
  • Remember:  whitespace matters.  Use four spaces to indent a line.
  • Only one kind of conditional in python - the if statement.
  • You may modify it by using elif and else for more complex programs
  • You can put one "if" inside of another "if".  Doing so is called nesting.
  • An algorithm is a series of specific steps to perform a task.

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