Project #1: Interview

Everyone knows programmers are far too busy with important things than to bother with human contact.  And for a programmer, the only thing worse than having to introduce yourself to others is listening to their answers.  How awful!  That's precious time that could be spent programming.  If only you could let a computer do the listening for you...

Create a program that outputs five questions to the user and takes five replies as inputs.  At the end of your program, you should combine the answers into a single message.

You are free to choose any questions under the following restrictions:
  - Three questions must result in string response
  - Two question must result in an integer or float response

Be careful to avoid mashing words from your string literals and variables together; spacing can be tricky.  Your final message must be perfectly clear.

Example Program:

What is your name? Mr. M
What is your quest? to seek the Holy Grail
What is your favorite color?  Green
What number should you count to, whilst holding the Holy Hand Grenade?  3
What number is right out? 5

Mr. M's quest is to seek the Holy Grail, his favorite color is Green.  Whilst wielding the holy hand grenade, he always counts to 3.  He knows that 5 is right out.

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