Project Two

"Stop. Who would cross the Bridge of Death must answer me these questions three, ere the other side he see."  
 - Bridge of Death Scene from Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Copy and modify your interviewer program so that it evaluates the user's responses instead of simply printing them out in a new format.  Your program should end one way if the user gets each question right and another if the user gets one more or more questions wrong.


At least three of your five questions need to be evaluated for "correctness."  Two can remain as simple informational questions - though the user never knows which ones will count or not.  This might require you to change a few (or all) of your questions.  You must still have three strings and two integers/floats.

You must get all of the questions correct to pass.  A single mistake results in "failure."

Any questions that are not evaluated should be included in your final message when the user succeeds.  You do not need to include them if a user "fails."

If you are feeling inspired and have a different theme for your project that is unrelated to Monty Python, go ahead.  It just needs to work in the same way; creativity is always welcome.

Example Program (Pass)

What is your name? Mr. M
What is your quest? to seek the Holy Grail
What is the capital of Assyria? Assur
What number should you count to, whilst holding the Holy Hand Grenade?  3
What number is right out? 5

Very well, Mr M.  You may cross the bridge of death and continue your quest to seek the Holy Grail.

Example Program (Fail)

What is your name? Mr. M
What is your quest? to seek the Holy Grail
What is the capital of Assyria? I don't know
What number should you count to, whilst holding the Holy Hand Grenade?  3
What number is right out? 5

You have been thrown into the Gorge of Eternal Peril.  Aaaaaaaaahhhh!

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