Monday, September 30, 2013

Day 28 - Introduction to Java

  • Create programs using methods, conditionals, and loops in Java
  • Attendance
  • Notes
    • Java v. Python
    • Curly Braces, Semicolons
    • Compile v. Run
    • "Maze" commands
    • Turning Right
    • Red Squiggly (Syntax Error)
    • Assignment System (Levels)
  • Goals:
    • Complete Karel J. Robot - "Level 1" by Wednesday
  • Coding
    • Code Academy
    • Codingbat
    • Projects

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 21 - Coding

  • Create programs using console input, output, variables, conditionals, and loops in Python.
  • Attendance
  • Goals:
    • By end of class today, be finished with Project #7: Taunt  
    • By end of class tomorrow, be finished with Code Academy #14
    • By end of class Monday, be finished with Codingbat: List-1
  • Coding
    • Code Academy
    • Codingbat
    • Projects

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Day 19 - French Taunter

  • Create programs using console input, output, variables, conditionals, and loops in Python.
  • Attendance
  • Goals:
    • By Monday, be finished with Codingbat String-1
    • By Tuesday, be finished with Code Academy #9: Lists
    • By Wednesday, be finished with Project #7: Taunt  (described today)
  • French Taunter Scene
  • Coding
    • Code Academy
    • Codingbat
    • Projects

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Day 17 - Coding

  • Create programs using console input, output, variables, conditionals, and loops in Python.
  • Attendance
  • Goals:
    • By Friday, be finished with Taxes
    • By Monday, be finished with Codingbat String-1
    • By Tuesday, be finished with Code Academy #5
  • Coding
    • Code Academy
    • Codingbat
    • Projects

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 15 - Functions

  • Create programs using console input, output, variables, conditionals, and loops in Python.
  • Attendance
  • Code Demo
    • Functions / Methods
    • Parameters
      • Pass By Value
      • Pass By Reference
  • Coding
    • Code Academy
    • Codingbat
    • Projects

Monday, September 9, 2013

Day 14 - Coding

  • Create programs using console input, output, variables, conditionals, and loops in Python.
  • Attendance
  • Codingbat Setup
  • Coding
    • Code Academy
    • Codingbat
    • Projects

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Day 12 - Review

  • Create programs using console input, output, variables, conditionals, and loops in Python.
  • Attendance
  • Review Game
  • Coding
    • Code Academy
    • Projects